Monday, May 2, 2016

Desk mercury sphygmomanometer

*the MDF combines the accuarate traditional mencurial instrument with mobility, durabality and added safety. Equipped with safety features and encased in a simple, sleek, aluminum case, the mencurial manometer is ensured with operating safety measures and protected from external elements.
* easy to read 300mmhg scale glass mercury colum is resessed for added protection and reducing parallax effect. An internal locking device in the mercury reservoir prevent mercury spilage during transport, storage and maintenance.
*chrome finished brass screw type valve delivers precise deflation control rate..
* MDF dual tube cuff system

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

kedai medik dot com.... kami menyediakan pelbagai barangan keperluan seperti barang2 keperluan mandi, pencuci muka ubat gigi.. barang2 beby pun ada seperti botol susu dan lain2... selain itukami juga menjual barang2 medical...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

We sell personal and clinical user for your comfortable.

Come visit to Kedai Medik nearest to the Hospital Shah Alam to get yours. 

Or reach us at 03-55104275 for more infomation.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Come to Kedai Medik to get medical stuff for your clinic or personal user equipment and much more... LETS VISIT!!!.. ;)